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We are what we eat...
The idea that we can control our health by what we eat is a powerful idea indeed.


In the past one hundred years, something strange has happened to the way we think. We've come to believe we can feed our bodies highly processed, chemical laden, nutrient depleted food-like substances and still remain healthy. The world is getting fatter and sicker in spite of the 'wonders' of modern medicine and the myriad of diet books and programs at our disposal.


In short, we are digging our graves with our teeth.


According to the world's leading general medical journal, The Lancet, although a smaller proportion of people are dying early, many more today are living with chronic disease. The journal describes the world's health advances as a devastating irony: "avoid premature death but live longer and sicker".


Billions of dollars are poured each year into dangerous and ineffective treatments. We medicate ourselves with toxic drugs, a small number of which treat the disease while the rest treat the harmful side effects of the original medication. Side effects from prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death in America.


More and more money is being spent per capita on 'health' care in countries like the United States, Europe and Australia and yet the quality of our health continues to deteriorate. Our hospitals and nursing homes are filled to the brim with people of all ages suffering with chronic illness. The billions of dollars spent on pharmaceutical remedies are evidently not improving our health outcomes.


Quite depressing to say the least. Is life worth living, you may ask, if we are all destined to spend a good portion of our time on this planet with pain and illness? Well, the good news is, pain and illness don't  have to be inevitable and we don't need medical breakthroughs, pharmaceutical drugs or high-tech machines to achieve the health and vitality we all deserve.


What we eat every day is one of the most powerful determinants of our health.

The simple act of eating real, whole and fresh food can have a profound impact on our health, healing faster than prescription drugs or surgery and without  insidious side effects. Choosing whole fresh foods over highly addictive processed food-like concoctions can prevent heart disease, cancer, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's, allergies, asthma and the rest.

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